Chapter 6 Spatial Analysis in R

“Why are latitude and longitude so smart? Because they have so many degrees!”

In this assignment, I learned to use R for spatial analyses.

Data is from the LAGOS dataset. Assignment by Dr. Matthew Ross and Dr. Nathan Mueller of Colorado State University.

6.1 Loading in data

6.1.1 First download and then specifically grab the locus (or site lat longs)

# #Lagos download script
#LAGOSNE::lagosne_get(dest_folder = LAGOSNE:::lagos_path(), overwrite = TRUE)

#Load in lagos
lagos <- lagosne_load()
## Warning in (function (version = NULL, fpath = NA) : LAGOSNE version unspecified,
## loading version: 1.087.3
#Grab the lake centroid info
lake_centers <- lagos$locus

# Make an sf object 
spatial_lakes <- st_as_sf(lake_centers,coords=c('nhd_long','nhd_lat'),

#Grab the water quality data
nutr <- lagos$epi_nutr

#Look at column names

6.1.2 Convert to spatial data

#Look at the column names

#Look at the structure

#View the full dataset
#View(lake_centers %>% slice(1:100))

spatial_lakes <- st_as_sf(x = lake_centers, coords = c("nhd_long","nhd_lat"), crs = 4326) %>%


#Subset for plotting
subset_spatial <- spatial_lakes %>%

subset_baser <- spatial_lakes[1:100,]

#Dynamic mapviewer

6.1.3 Subset to only Minnesota

states <- us_states()

#Plot all the states to check if they loaded

minnesota <- states %>%
  filter(name == 'Minnesota') %>%

#Subset lakes based on spatial position
minnesota_lakes <- spatial_lakes[minnesota,]

#Plotting the first 1000 lakes
minnesota_lakes %>%
  arrange(-lake_area_ha) %>%
## Simple feature collection with 1000 features and 16 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 254441 ymin: -154522.4 xmax: 755222.3 ymax: 464949.4
## Projected CRS: NAD27 / US National Atlas Equal Area
## First 10 features:
##    lagoslakeid     nhdid           gnis_name lake_area_ha lake_perim_meters
## 1        15162 123319728   Lake of the Woods   123779.817         401005.02
## 2        34986 105567868      Lower Red Lake    66650.332         115825.47
## 3         2498 120019294     Mille Lacs Lake    51867.225         151701.94
## 4        39213 105567402      Upper Red Lake    48288.325          99828.05
## 5          996 120018981          Leech Lake    41824.352         344259.98
## 6          583 120019513 Lake Winnibigoshish    22566.124          86722.10
## 7           73 120019354          Rainy Lake    18522.551         660313.32
## 8         2554 105954753      Vermilion Lake    15736.590         509617.01
## 9         2161 120019371     Kabetogama Lake     9037.249         288750.31
## 10        3119 166868528           Cass Lake     8375.173          85326.14
##    nhd_fcode nhd_ftype iws_zoneid hu4_zoneid hu6_zoneid hu8_zoneid hu12_zoneid
## 1      39004       390  IWS_37547     HU4_26     HU6_36    HU8_468  HU12_13912
## 2      39004       390  IWS_34899     HU4_54     HU6_74    HU8_327  HU12_14600
## 3      39004       390  IWS_22933     HU4_25     HU6_73    HU8_344  HU12_10875
## 4      39004       390  IWS_33471     HU4_54     HU6_74    HU8_327  HU12_14204
## 5      39004       390  IWS_23572     HU4_25     HU6_35    HU8_332  HU12_14479
## 6      39004       390  IWS_22455     HU4_25     HU6_35    HU8_331  HU12_14543
## 7      39004       390  IWS_37542     HU4_26     HU6_36    HU8_473  HU12_13942
## 8      39004       390  IWS_36424     HU4_26     HU6_36    HU8_131  HU12_14405
## 9      39004       390  IWS_36301     HU4_26     HU6_36    HU8_130  HU12_14395
## 10     39004       390  IWS_21080     HU4_25     HU6_35    HU8_331  HU12_13957
##    edu_zoneid county_zoneid state_zoneid elevation_m                  geometry
## 1      EDU_56    County_435     State_14    323.5090 POINT (366706.2 464949.4)
## 2      EDU_16    County_455     State_14    358.1656 POINT (371974.2 341706.5)
## 3      EDU_43    County_484     State_14    381.7920 POINT (489582.1 157109.5)
## 4      EDU_16    County_455     State_14    358.3096 POINT (389013.3 360819.5)
## 5      EDU_42    County_424     State_14    395.2420 POINT (422409.7 255724.9)
## 6      EDU_42    County_424     State_14    396.1560   POINT (437872.1 286675)
## 7      EDU_55    County_446     State_14    338.0670 POINT (515833.6 420274.2)
## 8       EDU_3    County_446     State_14    414.1680 POINT (566966.7 347059.1)
## 9      EDU_55    County_446     State_14    339.2530 POINT (519199.2 408290.2)
## 10     EDU_42    County_424     State_14    396.7710 POINT (410563.2 281005.2)
  #mapview(.,zcol = 'lake_area_ha')

6.2 Part one

6.2.1 Show a map outline of Iowa and Illinois (similar to Minnesota map upstream)

Istates <- states %>%
  filter(name == 'Iowa'| name== 'Illinois') %>%
mapview(Istates, canvas = TRUE) 

6.2.2 Subset LAGOS data to these sites, how many sites are in Illinois and Iowa combined? How does this compare to Minnesota?

Istates_lakes <- spatial_lakes[Istates,]

## [1] 16466
Istates_count <- length(Istates_lakes$lagoslakeid)

## [1] 29038
Minn_count <- length(minnesota_lakes$lagoslakeid)

Iowa and Illinois have 16466 lakes combined, much less than the number of lakes that Minnesota alone has, 29038.

6.2.3 What is the distribution of lake size in Iowa vs. Minnesota?

  • Here I want to see a histogram plot with lake size on x-axis and frequency on y axis (check out geom_histogram)
iowa <- states %>%
  filter(name == 'Iowa') %>%

iowa_lakes <- spatial_lakes[iowa,]

combined <- rbind(iowa_lakes, minnesota_lakes)

ggplot(combined, aes(x= lake_area_ha)) + 
  ggthemes::theme_few() + theme(legend.position="bottom") +
  xlab("Lake Area (ha)") + ylab("Count") +
  scale_x_continuous(trans = "log10", labels = scales::comma) +
  geom_histogram(data = minnesota_lakes, color = "red", alpha = 0.2) + 
  geom_histogram(data = iowa_lakes, color = "blue", alpha = 0.2) +
  scale_fill_manual(values=c("blue","red"), "State")
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
The number of lakes with a given area, in hectares, in Minnesota (red) and Iowa (blue).

Figure 6.1: The number of lakes with a given area, in hectares, in Minnesota (red) and Iowa (blue).

6.2.4 Make an interactive plot of lakes in Iowa and Illinois and color them by lake area in hectares

Istates_map = Istates_lakes %>%
  arrange(-lake_area_ha) %>%

mapview(Istates_map, zcol = 'lake_area_ha',  canvas = TRUE) 

6.2.5 What other data sources might we use to understand how reservoirs and natural lakes vary in size in these three states?

We might use the US Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Informational System (NWIS) and its National Water Dashboard as a data source, and look at gage height (indicating lake depth) as another parameter for lake size variation. The USGS National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) is another data source that would, similarly to Lagos, give us a surface area metric for lakes in the various states.

6.3 Part two

6.3.1 Subsets Columns nutr to only keep key info that we want

clarity_only <- nutr %>%
  dplyr::select(lagoslakeid,sampledate,chla,doc,secchi) %>%
  mutate(sampledate = as.character(sampledate) %>% ymd(.)) Keep sites with at least 200 observations

#Look at the number of rows of dataset

chla_secchi <- clarity_only %>%

# How many observatiosn did we lose?
# nrow(clarity_only) - nrow(chla_secchi)

# Keep only the lakes with at least 200 observations of secchi and chla
chla_secchi_200 <- chla_secchi %>%
  group_by(lagoslakeid) %>%
  mutate(count = n()) %>%
  filter(count > 200) Join water quality data to spatial data

spatial_200 <- inner_join(spatial_lakes,chla_secchi_200 %>%

6.3.2 Mean Chlorophyll A map

### Take the mean chl_a and secchi by lake

means_200 <- chla_secchi_200 %>%
  # Take summary by lake id
  group_by(lagoslakeid) %>%
  # take mean chl_a per lake id
  summarize(mean_chl = mean(chla,na.rm=T),
            mean_secchi=mean(secchi,na.rm=T)) %>%
  #Get rid of NAs
         ! %>%
  # Take the log base 10 of the mean_chl
  mutate(log10_mean_chl = log10(mean_chl))

#Join datasets
mean_spatial <- inner_join(spatial_lakes,means_200,

#Make a map
mapview(mean_spatial, zcol='log10_mean_chl', = "Mean Chlorophyll A Content")

6.3.3 What is the correlation between Secchi Disk Depth and Chlorophyll a for sites with at least 200 observations?

ggplot(means_200) +
  geom_point(aes(mean_secchi, mean_chl)) +
  ggthemes::theme_few() + 
  xlab("Mean Secchi Disk Depth") + ylab("Mean Chlorophyll Content")
Chlorophyll content has a negative correlation with Secchi disk depth at sites with at least 200 observations.

Figure 6.2: Chlorophyll content has a negative correlation with Secchi disk depth at sites with at least 200 observations. Why might this be the case?

Secchi disks measure water clarity; the deeper the disk, the clearer the water (1). Chlorophyll content in lakes is generally a reliable marker of algae content, so that high chlorophyll values indicate high algal biomass and corresponding low water clarity (2). Additionally, chlorophyll may be used as a proxy for water quality, since high algal biomass is associated with high nutrient pollution in the process of eutrophication (2). High pollution may further decrease water clarity, so that the relationship between chlorophyll and Secchi disk depth may be expected.

  1. “The Secchi Dip-in - What Is a Secchi Disk?” North American Lake Management Society (NALMS),

  2. Filazzola, A., Mahdiyan, O., Shuvo, A. et al. A database of chlorophyll and water chemistry in freshwater lakes. Sci Data 7, 310 (2020).

6.3.4 What states have the most data? Make a lagos spatial dataset that has the total number of counts per site.

site_counts <- chla_secchi %>%
  group_by(lagoslakeid) %>%
  mutate(count = n())

lake_counts <- inner_join(site_counts, lake_centers, by= "lagoslakeid")%>% 
  dplyr::select(lagoslakeid,nhd_long,nhd_lat, count, secchi, chla)

spatial_counts <- st_as_sf(lake_counts,coords=c("nhd_long","nhd_lat"),
                          crs=4326) Join this point dataset to the us_boundaries data.

states <- us_states()

states_counts <- st_join(spatial_counts, states) Group by state and sum all the observations in that state and arrange that data from most to least total observations per state.

sum_statecount <- states_counts %>%
  group_by(state_name) %>%
  summarize(sum = sum(count)) %>%

sumtable <- tibble(sum_statecount)


#ggplot(data = sumtable, aes(x=state_name, y=sum, fill=state_name)) + 
#  geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = 0.3, position = "dodge") + 
#  ggthemes::theme_few() +
#  xlab("State") + ylab(expression(paste("# of Observations"))) 

Minnesota has the most observations. Vermont, has the next most observations, but less than half of Minnesota’s observations. South Dakota has the least number of observations in the dataset.

6.3.5 Is there a spatial pattern in Secchi disk depth for lakes with at least 200 observations?

mapview(mean_spatial, zcol='mean_secchi', = "Mean Secchi Disk Depth")